Keng Hao Kang         

Keng Hao-Kang was born in 1969 in Taiwan. After graduated from Department of Fine Arts in Tunghai University, he studied under Professor Diego Esposito at Accademia di belle arti di Brera, Italy, majoring in painting and installation art. The life and the study in Italy inspired his thoughts and development toward conceptual art. Keng worked for Hugo Boss afterward, and has been teaching in Tunghai University and National Taiwan Normal University since 2008. The unique background of growth and study along with the work experience have influenced his diverse creative styles. Keng’s work has been showcased widely at Art Osaka, Young Art Taipei and collected by Art Bank-The Ministry of Culture of Taiwan, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Art, Taichung Museum of Art, Tainan Art Museum and other important private collections. Keng currently lives and works in Taipei.



耿晧剛1969年生於台灣,自東海大學美術系畢業後,赴義大利米蘭布雷拉國立美術學院(Accademia di belle arti di Brera)就讀,跟隨Diego Esposito教授主修繪畫與裝置藝術,開啟了觀念藝術的思考。返台後曾於時尚流行品牌Hugo Boss任職數年,並於2008年起任教於東海大學美術學系與國立臺灣師範大學科技應用與人力資源發展學系,獨特的成長背景與留義經驗,讓耿晧剛成為不自限的創作者,不斷地翻新創作樣貌,從生活的體驗與敏銳的感知出發,反映於多元的作品中。耿晧剛作品曾展出於大阪藝術博覽會、台北當代藝術博覽會,並且為文化部藝術銀行、高雄市立美術館、台中市立美術館、台南市美術館及其他私人收藏單位所典藏。耿晧剛現生活與創作於台北。




Copyright © 2011 by Keng Hao Kang, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED